Will Caggiano

Will Caggiano has worked as an agent in the back channels of the talent market for 20 years. Along the way he established a deep and loyal network at the intersection of marketing, communications and technology. He is a trusted advisor and life coach to both clients and candidates. Drawing on this network and his intimate knowledge of people and culture dynamics, he approaches each assignment with precision and speed on the DL.

After 15 years in leadership roles at a global retained executive search firm, he founded Shadow Search to be a strategic growth partner that navigates the fluid human capital landscape for clients. Shadow’s solutions – Scouting, Branding and Planning – cut through the darkness of the unknown and guide organizations forward. In many ways, Shadow brightens the corners so that clients can more clearly frame their futures.


Patrick Eagan

Patrick “Patt” Eagan brings to Shadow Search over 10 years of experience in business strategy, operations and team building. Over the course of his career, he has navigated the complexities faced by startups and multinationals alike, and is a firm believer that the bedrock upon which company performance rests is its human capital.

Beyond Shadow, Patrick is co-founder and partner of Common Wealth Crush Co - a winery incubator facility located in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley - as well as venture partner at Fairbridge - a NYC-based early stage venture capital firm. He received his BSBA from the University of Richmond and MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business.


Rob Gerds

Rob Gerds has been playing the agency game for the better part of 30 years, interrupted only while doing time—as a consultant, and a client. He worked in media, strategy, account service and general management at top creative agencies, and in PR, advertising and sales as a client. Consulting included recommendations on agency staffing structure, annual planning, and c-suite training. He knows what to look for and where to look. 

In addition to bourbon and racing headlong into the shadows, he also enjoys building great connections, and moving people forward.  Good things come to those who look for them. And if he’s looking for you, you’ll know it.